Beiträge von saytamaner


    Original von shadow2209
    Ich hab im Moment den normalen Tacho mit kleinem Display und TID. Welche Methode des BC nachrüsten ist einfacher? Tacho mit grossem Display oder GID?

    Als Radio hab ich das T&C drin. Wenn man den Tacho wechselt würde man noch einen anderen Wischerhebel benötigen oder?


    Sorry for writing in English, but I can only read German.

    It's very easy to have BC in instrument panel (Tachoeinheit).
    You should only replace the complete panel and the washer column stalk (wischerhebel). Then you have to program the IPC control unit (tacho steuergerät) and activate "BC with TID" option via Tech2 diagnostics computer.

    I know it all because I have already done that for my own car.

    The tricky part is that you have to order the correct instrument panel unit for your car. There are many different models for different trim levels and functions. I would be happy to provide help if you need.

    Istanbul, Turkey

    Hello again,

    You fellow Corsa fans may remember my last message from a couple of months ago. I had successfully retrofitted my '07 Corsa Sport with the trip computer display in instrument panel and shared this story with you here.

    My next project was to retrofit my Corsa with :

    1. The ESP off switch, normally available only in GSI and OPC,
    2. HSA (Hill Start Assistant - Berganfahrhilfe)
    3. DDS (Deflation Detection System - Reifendruckverlust-Überwachungssytem)

    For this message, I'd like to keep the very long story as short as possible, and give you only the basic information about required parts and some photos. But I can supply all the details on how to implement these changes to anyone, anytime. I'd just like you to know that I had spent a long time for this project, and success didn't come easily.

    First of all, your car should already have ESP system. The Corsas without ESP can have DDS, but not HSA, and ESP off switch, obviously.

    The first item in my list, the ESP Off button, was the easy one to implement.

    The required parts and procedures :

    1. A new center-console switch group (schalter) with the "ESP Off" button.
    (There are many switch group parts with different functions, and you should have some parts knowledge to choose the right one for your exact purpose.
    I picked the one with the ESP off and also DDS buttons because I'd like to implement the DDS also.)

    2. A new center-console cover (blende) which has the correct-width opening for the new six-button switch group.

    3. Three new wires (kabel) should be laid from the switch group to the body control relay module (BCM) under the lighting switch (behind the fuse box). Two for the ESP Off button, one for the DDS.

    4. The ESP Off button should be activated in related BCM and IPC submenu items of Tech2 diagnostic computer.

    The second and third items in my list, HSA & DDS, are related and comes together as a package. These systems are controlled by ABS/ESP control unit, and there are four major varieties of this unit : 1. Standard ABS, 2. ABS with DDS, 3. ESP, 4. ESP with HSA & DDS. My car already had ESP, so the more advanced option for my car was the ESP with HSA & DDS.

    Required parts and procedures :

    1. A new ABS/ESP control unit (steuergerät) with HSA & DDS support
    This part is located under the ABS/ESP hydraulic unit at the engine compartment, behind the battery. Hydraulic unit & control unit is removed from their place together as one piece. Then at the outside, the existing control unit is removed and the new one is attached to the hydraulic unit. Then they are installed back at their place. (Then the brake fluid should be refilled also)

    2. A new ESP sensor (with HSA support)
    This part is located in central tunnel, under the handbrake lever. It is relatively easy to replace.

    3. Programming of ABS/ESP control unit using Tech2. This is the tricky part and I have discovered the correct procedure by myself, having spent a lot of time with Tech2, TIS and the Internet. The programming procedure requires a chassis number (VIN) and normally the technician enters the VIN of your car. But the new ABS/ESP control unit can not be programmed for HSA/DDS using your VIN because your car does not have those options originally. You have to enter a VIN that belongs to a car equipped with HSA/DDS at the factory. Only this way you can program the new ABS/ESP control unit to support the HSA/DDS functions. I have spent sleepless nights at the computer keyboard, checking all Corsa's starting from the chassis number 000001 one by one, using the EPC software. Luckily, I found one that matches my car's engine & transmission and also has the HSA/DDS. I used that VIN to program the ABS/ESP unit, and it worked magically :)

    4. The DDS should be activated in related BCM and IPC submenu items of Tech2 diagnostic computer.

    5. The new ESP sensor should be calibrated, and the DDS system should be reset, both using Tech2 again.

    Warning : Both new parts are very expensive. The ABS/ESP control unit is listed at something like € 1000, and the ESP sensor is listed at € 500. Of course you may get some discount from your Opel dealer but they would be still expensive. I started looking, and found the control unit in England via Ebay. The part was brand new, not used, and very cheap at £ 100, yes I know I was very lucky :) There were a lot of risks, but I bought it anyway. Also I bought the ESP sensor from Germany, again via Ebay, but this time the part was second-hand and I got it for € 70.

    For anyone considering these retrofitting works for their car, I wish you best of luck in obtaining the parts cheaply. I can provide all the help you would need to determine the correct part numbers and also information on installation, programming and activation procedures.

    Best regards from Istanbul,

    Standard 2-button switch group (central locking and front passenger airbag off)

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Center console gets removed

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Radio/CD unit, display, air vents and cover are all removed.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Removed parts are lying on the seat.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    New six-button switch group and the matching new cover are mounted.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    The ABS hydraulic unit is sitting alone, and the technician holds the new ABS/ESP control unit in his hands.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Hydraulic and control units are mounted as a single piece.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Required activations via Tech2 are done, and DDS warning in the rev counter lights up yellow at the startup.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    The new ESP yaw sensor which supports the HSA system is mounted on the central tunnel, under the handbrake lever.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    My old ESP yaw rate sensor sits at the front passenger seat

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    One of Tech2 programming screens

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    After the new switch group is mounted and started working

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    When ESP button is pressed, ESP warning in speed dial lights up constantly and central display shows "ESP off"

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    And finally the result of our tire deflation test today : The DDS warning in rev counter lights up red to warn us about the deflation

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Hello everybody,

    I'm Serdar from Istanbul, Turkey and my '07 red Corsa Sport is the number 154 here. It has been a long time since the last time I was here, but some of the early members of the forum may remember me, like Westi and Bremmo. Greetings, pals! if you are still around here, of course :)

    Since I bought my car four and a half years ago, I have constantly complained about it not having a trip computer (BC). It does have many nice features such as ESP, cruise control and panoramic sunroof; but lack of a simple thing like trip computer always bothered me.

    And finally I have decided to change my car's instrument cluster (instrumententafel) with a new one which has a bigger display in the middle. Through my Opel dealer, I ordered the new cluster and the wiper/washer column stalk (lenkstockhebel für scheibenwischer) with the BC control buttons on it, then waited for them to arrive to the dealer, from Germany.

    It was a big question mark whether it would work or not. After all, I might end up throwing my money out if it wouldn't work. Luckily, with some tricks and the great help of chief technician in my local Opel dealer, we managed to get it work :)

    Here's the story of my trip computer adventure :

    The new instrument cluster fresh out of its package :

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Close-up shot of the new cluster :

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    The covers are removed to mount the new wisher/washer column stalk:

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    After the new stalk with the BC controls installed :

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Last photo of my good old "armaturenbrett" before it is removed

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    After the new instrument cluster is installed and BC is activated via Tech2:

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Everything is installed, programmed and working perfectly :)

    [Blockierte Grafik:]


    Original von maram_de
    Ich würde vorsichtig sein bei herausgabe der vin. zum schluß fahren noch 2 corsas mit der gleichen rum

    You can be careful as much as you like, but your VIN is already public on the front window of your car.

    If I wanted to do something bad with someone's car's VIN, I wouldn't ask for it here. I would go out and collect many VIN's from all the Corsas parked on the streets.


    Hello everybody,

    I drive a '07 Corsa Sport 1.4.

    My car does not have a display for board computer,
    and I've been planning to install required parts and then activate it.

    The display in my car is a TID and I know that upgrade to GID and CID is very expensive and radio/cd unit should also be replaced with a CD30 at least which has the BC button on it.

    So the easiest and cheapest way is to replace the current instrument cluster (which has the small display between the speedo and the tacho), with a new one (which has the bigger display, namely DIC - Driver Information Centre), and also replace the wisher/wiper column stalk (which has the control buttons on it).

    I have online access to the Opel spare parts catalog using the EPC software, so I looked up and saw that there are too many different instrument clusters. I guess I know which one of them is the correct part, but I need to be sure before ordering.

    EPC software can filter the parts list for a specific VIN,
    so if I have actual VIN's of some cars which have BC with the DIC display, I can easily find the correct part number.

    Now after all that long explanation,
    I'd like to request from you fellow Corsa owners,
    to send your car's VIN to me using PN,
    of course if your car has the BC with the DIC display on the centre of the instrument cluster.

    By the way, I would be very grateful if somebody who can speak both German and English could translate this message to German, so everbody can understand what I need.

    and best regards from Istanbul

    Opel have been offering limited editions as 3-doors only.
    They keep ignoring 5-door fans completely, and I'm angry about that. X(

    In my opinion, even OPC should be offered as a 5-door. Just imagine an ardenblau 5-door OPC, wow, it would really be a great car!.. :]


    Original von Tommy3103
    aber warum hast du nich die dunklen rückleuchten? dachte die wären serie bei Sport/OPC und GSI?!

    Darkened rear lamps and rear glasses are standard on Sport, GSI and OPC but only beginning from 2009 model year.

    I guess Soft-Man's GSI is a '07 or '08...

    Congratulations for your nice GSI. :top:

    There are not much 5-door GSI's around and I'm happy to see one :klatschen:

    I always prefer 4/5-door cars over 2/3-door ones,
    and especially for Corsa D, my opinion is that the 5-door body looks much more handsome. :]

    Have fun & accident-free rides with your little white tiger...

    EDIT : More photos will be greatly appreciated :)