Beiträge von Rubke


    Original von Chris Corsa
    Very bizarre, indeed !
    I don't have a glimpse of an idea where the sound could've its origin.

    Yep, indeed. I hope someone is familiar with this problem, and/or has a solution!

    Here is a link to the album:

    However, I found out the following. I don't think this gap which can be seen at the first photograph is the cause, as the sound was still audible when I closed all the gaps at the outside between door and bodywork with tape. I did find out that when I pushed the Gümmi closing the window behind the door panel a little further inwards, and when I close the gaps which can be seen there by tape the sound is almost gone. (see the second photograph) It is worthwile to mention that when this was closed by tape I could hear the wind coming from the front of the door.
    So apparently there is some wind coming into the door, somewhere.

    In my case I hear the sound in the upper right of this photograph:
    When I close all the gaps in the top right the sound is as goos as gone, but I can hear some slight windnoise coming from the left top.

    Now the question remains: where does this wind come from, where does it enter the door?
    Is it due to a bad Gümmi which doesn't neatly close the window, or does it enter the door somewhere else (in the left top corner of the above photograph...)

    A closer inspection showed me that this "Türgummi" (see photograph) has a small gap; it doesn't touch the bodywork neatly... This is about at the place where I hear the sound coming from. However, could this be the cause?
    I "closed" the vertical space between front and rear door by taping some tape over it, and then the sound was still audible. So from that I'd think this gap can't be the cause, as no air can pas through the space between front and rear door anymore, and so the gap in the "Türgummi" can't have any wind passing it...…6000/7bf5fab/Foto0242.jpg


    Although I can read and understand German, my written German is probably full with mistakes. Therefore I'll write my post in English, for which I apologize. Feel free to answer in German. :)

    Since a few days I am the proud owner of new Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTI ecoFLEX with 5 doors. Overall it feels as a decent and solid car. However, there is one thing that bothers me. When I am driving down the highway, from around 90 km/h and up I start hearing a sound coming from the B-pillar from the drivers door. To be more precise, it seems to come from the place where the window slides into the door at the B-pillar. It sounds a little like if the window is open, although it is closed fully. It is also noticable on the passenger side, although only at somewhat higher speeds (and it's slightly less loud).
    Of course I am aware of the fact that every car has some wind noise, but this seems pretty loud, especially at a cruising speed of around 120 km/h.
    My question is if someone is familiar with this sound, whether it is normal or not, and if there is a solution?


    MFG, Rob