you can buy as the intake manifold. from dbilas
I think with software were then available 115 hp
you can buy an IPF. EDS-motorsport. are I think 100 hp. + Piper Cross High Flow Air Filter PP1777 for all dbilas Flowmaster
I google translated
you can buy as the intake manifold. from dbilas
I think with software were then available 115 hp
you can buy an IPF. EDS-motorsport. are I think 100 hp. + Piper Cross High Flow Air Filter PP1777 for all dbilas Flowmaster
I google translated
The first link is IPF, you can choose between 5 different tuning modalities. It's like a computerprogramm...
The second link is powertuning only! You get one programm and can't change.
I've bought the second on, that's alright for our cars. The IPF is actually necessary if you own an OPC, than the IPF makes sense... Our engine doesn't have so many different modalities (no turbo charger and stuff...)
In my opinion you should buy the cheaper tuning
lamin-x on fogs
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Great pics! Like them a lot, except for the yellow fog-lights though...honestly I think they don't enhance your great colour concept at all. Quite the contrary
Very nice Corsa !!!!
I like the red stripes! What kind of stripes have you ordered?
Kann mir jemand sagen wo man solche Stripes herbekommt? Vorne erinnert der rote Striüe doch stark an GTI aber an der Hecklippe sieht´s meiner Meinung nach echt gut aus!
würde mich auch interessieren wo es die streifen gibt...find ich ne hammer idee....
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ZitatOriginal von OnkelHarry
das sehr allgemein...hat er das von 3M benutzt?
Did u use the stripes from 3m? how wide is the stripe?
i hope u can help us =)
3mm stripe