Hi..Today I was shocked by the drag result of my vxr vs a clio 172 RS...
We started from 0 to 220 km/h
Clio was ahead of me about 50 meters when I was going with 200 km/h,and at the start I couldn't even go near him...
I asked the guy what mods was on the vehicle,but he said it was standart,only exhaust...I didn't belived him much,as the car's noise was like a Ferrari :O
And also my clutch is not working properly,as I'm waiting a new set to come..
I want to ask,
1st : How much the clutch can effect the power of my car as it's gone?
2nd : If the clio has straight through exhaust + remap,is it possible to go like this?
3rd : What is the optimal rpm range to switch gears? I'm doing this @ 6000 rpm..